A slide deck for Valley of Sarai, a concept for a turn-based, exploratory RPG that delves into the plights of environmental destruction and the ensuing powers of nature. Inspirational image credit can be found here.
An instructional pamphlet for Ramen Fury: Takeout Edition, a four player modification of the original Ramen Fury card game that seeks to enhance player interaction through the addition of new cards and special mechanics.
Centered on the theme of forgotten memories, this Memento-inspired game concept explores how certain mechanics, like tile-matching and unlockable dialogue, might be used to upend the player's sense of truth surrounding a narrative.
A layered narrative based on the "weapon stories" featured in NieR: Automata. Showcasing the origins of a barb-wired axe, this exercise seeks to demonstrate the importance of a tightly written description that gradually unfurls to give the player more context.